Monday, April 27, 2009

Outdoor furniture

Here are my ( Johan Meijer ) latest efforts. The orange and black shelf is a variation on the Tabor desk. A minor redesign turned the Tabor work table into a shelving unit. The horizontal surfaces are made of new plywood, but at least the frame for this one was made from recycled fence boards.

Since spring has sprung in the northern hemisphere, i started an outdoor line of patio furniture.
Willie, my dog, would not look up for his picture.

I expect this outdoor wood furniture to age nicely in Oregon's wet climate. An outdoor finish will keep the paint looking fresh for the first couple of years, before the elements show their dominance.

Coming up will be an outdoor bench with a back, and also a rectangular table to round out the set.

Pictures of the newest projects will be gathered here on flikr.

Any of these pieces can easily made in custom sizes.

Greetings, Johan Meijer